Want to start a business, but don’t know where to start? Let us put our expertise to work for you. Our team of specialists can prevent you from making costly mistakes, saving you both time and money.
Business filing:
The Empire Builders consultants can file all the paperwork to help you start a business today. Whether you decide to Form an LLC (Limited Liability Company), Corporation, Non-Profit, or simply File a DBA, our team of experts can file your paperwork quickly and affordably.
Choosing a business structure is an essential part of building your business foundation. The structure you select will most likely have a significant impact on your personal liability as well as your tax liability. Our team of experts can help you choose the right process for your business.
Need Help Starting a Business?
- Sole Proprietorship
- Partnership
- Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
- Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
- C Corporation
- S Corporation
- Professional Corporation
- Nonprofit Corporation
- Business Name Search & Reservations
- Fictitious Business Name (DBAs)
- Trademark Search & Registration
- Registered Agent Services
- Business Licenses & Permits
- Federal Tax ID Numbers (EINs)
- Sales & Use Tax Permits
- Payroll Tax Registration (SUI/SIT)